
Do you know?Interns who join Nooploop will benefit from this:

  • The instructor will guide the whole process during the internship period and work together to challenge the difficulties and pain points in the development of the project

  • For outstanding interns, Nooploop can be promoted to excellent laboratories/teams of domestic and foreign universities that cooperate with them

  • After the 3-month internship period, you can submit a full-time employee offer application for defense, and the intern will be directly exempted from the 3-month probationary period

HR Email: hr@nooploop.com

Job Openings

Positioning Algorithm Engineer

Social Recruitment/Intern · Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Job Description:

  1. Responsible for the design, implementation and optimization of UWB positioning algorithms

  2. Cooperate with various departments to jointly test and debug the positioning algorithm


  1. Navigation, mathematics, computer, automation and other related majors
  2. Solid foundation in mathematics and physics, familiar with matrix theory, numerical analysis, stochastic processes, optimization methods, etc
  3. He is familiar with Kalman filter and its variants, and has research on algorithm robustness
    Experience in algorithm design and development of at least one navigation and positioning related products, UWB, GNSS, SLAM related is preferred
  4. Familiar with C++/Python programming, good code expression and software development thinking IMU, GNSS, etc
  5. The great god can relax the requirements, and the treatment can be discussed

Solutions Engineer

Social Recruitment · Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Job Description:

  1. Responsible for formulating suitable indoor positioning solutions for customers, including docking customer needs, on-site survey, product selection, technical scheme preparation and other program work
  2. Cooperate with sales to complete customer communication, program explanation, and bid answering
  3. Cooperate with the market to complete the technical explanation of the exhibition and customer reception


  1. Bachelor degree or above, major in automation, intelligent control, electrical engineering and automation, electromechanical and other related science and engineering majors is preferred (cattle can relax the requirements);
  2. xperience in warehousing and logistics, high-end manufacturing, factory digital intelligence, AGV solutions or related fields is preferred
  3. Able to independently develop solutions for customers, promote products and communicate and answer questions for customers
  4. Adapt to national business trips, clear thinking, strong ability to work under pressure, strong interest and sensitivity to technology, and excellent communication skills

RF Development Engineer

Social Recruitment/Intern · Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Job Description:

  1. Responsible for product RF and antenna scheme design, optimization and debugging
  2. Responsible for the debugging and verification of RF indicators of product engineering prototypes
  3. Responsible for FCC/CE and other certification and testing
  4. Responsible for solving product-related hardware problems and outputting relevant production-ready documents


  1. Bachelor degree or above in electronics, communication related majors, more than 3 years of RF related work experience
  2. Master the principles of communication, electromagnetic fields, antennas, radio frequency, EMI, etc
  3. Familiar with the application and debugging knowledge of RF components such as conventional filter circuits, PA/duplex/switches, etc
  4. Familiar with the basic knowledge, application and selection of conventional antennas, and operate spectrum analyzers, network division and other debugging instruments
  5. Familiar with the underlying development of embedded software based on C/C++

Wireless Protocol Stack Development Engineer

Social Recruitment · Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Job Description:

  1. Responsible for the development and testing of UWB, Bluetooth non-standard and standard wireless communication protocols
  2. Responsible for connecting the embedded bottom layer and the terminal (mobile phone, computer) module, so that the project can be smoothly closed-loop
  3. Output relevant development documents


  1. Bachelor degree or above in electronics, communication, computer related majors, more than 2 years of relevant work experience
  2. Experience in Bluetooth/WiFi/UWB protocol development
  3. Proficient in the application of C/C++ programming language, with a strong foundation in embedded software development, able to complete the code writing and debugging of software independently
  4. Experience in UWB application development is preferred
  5. Good command of reading English
  6. Work conscientiously and steadfastly, with a good sense of teamwork and cooperation spirit

Product Manager

Social Recruitment · Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Job Description:

  1. Product planning: Formulate the optimal solution product route, which requires a full analysis of the impact of comprehensive factors such as customer demand, cost, competitive products, R&D, and production, and give an executable plan such as product pre-research and development route, human resource allocation, and work plan
  2. Project management: control the overall progress of the product project, be able to deeply collaborate or participate in various departments or partners to overcome difficulties, and always provide key help
  3. Data development: Responsible for the development of customer-facing marketing materials, product usage documents and other materials
  4. Fully understand the front-end demands and problem feedback of sales, technical support, customers, and markets, and mobilize the company’s resources to respond immediately and give executable solutions


  1. Love life and technology, have excellent self-motivation and execution, have the ability and concept to seek the best solution under limited resources, and constantly iterate and optimize in a changing environment
  2. Professional education: science and engineering related majors, bachelor degree or above (Dashen can relax the requirements)
  3. Work skills: more than 3 years of relevant experience in the intelligent hardware product industry (wearable devices, wireless gateways, communication mechanisms, etc.), with excellent product planning, demand analysis, project management and other necessary work capabilities (such as familiar with the model characteristics and prices of common MCU suppliers, able to formulate a list of MCU parameters and functions for product requirements and give specific models to match, familiar with the technical characteristics of WiFi/BLE Bluetooth/4G, 5G cellular networks, matching scenarios, price and cost, supply chain and other information; Familiar with IP protection level requirements, testing and certification schemes; Experience with Type Approval/CE/FCC; Find the right supplier/partner; Familiar with the key factors and solutions affected by the operating temperature of the product, etc.), Able to provide the optimal solution with limited resources
  4. Collaboration ability: Excellent logical thinking, cross-team, and collaborative supply chain and partner skills
  5. Bonus points: Experience in well-known competitions such as Robocon/Robomaster robot competition is preferred; Experience in actual product design and development is preferred

Embedded Software Development Engineer

Social Recruitment/Intern · Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Job Description:

  1. Responsible for product embedded software driver and system development
  2. Participate in the analysis of project requirements, and participate in the design of building the system framework and core modules
  3. Responsible for collaborating with embedded hardware engineers to optimize for the product platform


  1. Proficiency in the use of at least one type of MCU. Includes common peripherals (e.g., TIM, UART, SPI, IIC, DMA, watchdog), common functions (e.g., built-in Flash reading and writing, firmware update)
  2. Proficiency in the use of at least one RTOS
  3. Experience in the development of low-power electronic devices (understand and be familiar with the characteristics of electrical parameters, switching precautions, and power consumption optimization details of low-power mode and operation mode)
  4. Proficient in C or C++ language, with good coding habits
  5. Strong logical analysis ability, learning ability and independent problem-solving ability
  6. Have good communication skills and teamwork spirit, research spirit and sense of responsibility